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Nathan Johnson
Nathan Johnson

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If we head back into the activity summary/preview page I can crack open the peaks profile to see my pace over time durations. Note, all of the metrics you see here are in Statute (aka minutes/mile, miles, Americana).

splan 7.0 crack free 27

There has been much progress in the last few years to develop serum-free media for the isolation and expansion of primary hMSCs (reviewed in [10, 29]). Although numerous commercial formulations have been released, our group reported in detail the first defined serum-free medium formulation (i.e., PPRF-msc6) which supported the rapid isolation and expansion of hMSCs from BM MNCs and their subsequent passages while maintaining their immunophenotype and multipotency [9, 30].

xsssSlimmm&!mm&z!im$mggsmMPtHP y" t&m?r'' 'rKSSfr'r.MlKKtBKKIKBBKBmSmLKs'iUtKmCiilJkIidlJW&ffWWf--) 1- I V ' T ' . r . ' 'THE - PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. ." SUNBAT, JUNE 13, 189a,c j . .j-sarv - " ,. t - .. Ay""jr r eflc . t- -HE WASHTJH FORM,Baldwin Was Yery Easy forHarry Wright's Hustlers andOUB SLUGGEES GOT LEFT.Anson's Touns Men Down tha Wonders of Brooklyn Town.CLEVELAXDS BEAT THE NEW YORKCcmiskev's Eeds Suffer Defeat Among theBoston Champions.ALL THE BASEBALL XEWS OF INTERESTtsrrciAi. txlegkam to the ntsrATcn.iPniLADELrniA, June 11. Over 5,000people saw the Phillies do up the Pittsburgteam to-day ini a game markedt- by many bril--" linnfc nlni nnilplenty of hardhitting. It wasjust such a contest as pleasesa home crowd.The visitorsjumped away inthe lead in thefirst inning andheld the advantaj; e longenough to excite a thoroughrespect for their ball playing ability; andthen the home team won by hard hittinc inthe closing innings. Thompson was thehero of the day with the stick. He sent theball sailing over the right field fence for ahome run early in the came, and fellowedit up with two pretty singles.Clements Was Also on Deck.Clements was not much behind.hittine fortwo doubles and a single, while Delahantymade two doubles. The latter figuredlargely in the fielding, all of his threecatches being good, while one, that off Bierbauer's in the third inning, was somethingout of common and saved a run or two.Hamilton, Hallman, Allen and Farrell alsomade pretty plays.Miller opened" the ball in the first inningwith a nice safe hit to left field. Bierbauerhit a liner to Carsey who put up one handand turned the ball off to Allen, who threwIt over to first just too late to catch therunner. Shugart fouled out to Clements.Beckley was safe on a line hit to right fieldwhich Thompson muffed. Miller scoring onthe error. Farrell cracked out a safe hit tolelt field bringing Bierbauer home whileBeckley scored a 'moment later on Burns'sacrifice.Mack Ended the Run Gettlne.Mack closed the inning with a line 'lit toleft field, which Hamilton capti red.Thompson scored the first run for theFhilies in the second inning, hitting overthe right field wall for a "homer," after hehad been given a life bv Burns" muff of h:shigh foul fly. Delehanty fouled out to the Icatcher. Clements hit tor a single, but wasforced at second by Allen's grounder toShueart, which was beautifully stopped.Shugart could never have got the ball tofirst ahead of Allen, and the latter is credited with a hit. Cross fouled out Therewas no more scoring on either sideuntil the sixth inning, when withone out, Delehanty hit tor two bases andcame home on Clements' double. Carseyopened the seventh inning with a threebagger to left field and Hamilton followedwiili a similar, hit toward the score board,sending' in the tieing run. Corkhill wasplaying well over toward left field, whereHamilton usually sends the ball and gotfooled. Connors' short fly to lelt wasbeautifully captured by Farrell. Hallmanhit safely," sending Hamilton over the plate,but was an easy out when he tried to stealsecond. Thompson cracked out a singleand came a.1 the way home on Delehanty'ssecond two-bagger. "Del" was caught napping at second, closing the inning.They Clinched Thnlr Victory.The victory was clinched in the eighth, adouble by Clements, a base on balls toAllen, Cross scratch hit, singles by Connorand Hallman and missed grounders by Carroll and Beckley five runs. Delehanty tooka great slide to make a two-bagger out ofbi! hit in the sixth inning. Burns showedliU head work in not touching Allen's touthit in the sixth. The ball was in fairground until within three feet of third base,then just rolled out. Three feet higherwould have taken Clements" double overthe walLA base hit by Tom Burns in the eighthwould have tied the score. Carsey's threebagger in the seventh practically won thegame, siace it broke Baldwin's heart. Carsey's run tied the score. "While the leltfield seats were crowded to overflowing theright field seats were not hall filled. ThereIs 25 cents difference in the price. Hamilton's attempt at sacrificing in the thirdinning resulted in a double play. Attendance 5,3.15. The score:riTTBUKG R fc F A X THILl.R B P A IMiller, r..... 1Bierbauer. 2. 1Miugart, .... 0Befkley. u.. 1farrelL I.... 0llunifr, 3 0Mack, e 0Corkhill. m . 0Baldwin, p.. 00 Hamilton. 1. 10, Connor. 1.... 10 Hallman. 2. 1llThompson, r 2O.Del'hantv.m 11 1 Clements, c. 10 Allen, s l0,Cross, 3 10 Carsey. p.... 10 22 120 00 32 20 1Total 3 9 2 14 21 Total 10 15 2.' 11 1Plttsbure 3 ooooo no 0-3riiiladdphia 0 1000133 -10j-ummary Earned runs FIttsburg. 2: Philadelphia. 5. Two-base lilts Delehantv. 2; Clements.Three-base bits Hamilton. Hallman. Carsey.Home run Thompson. Stolen bases Beckley.Hamilton. Connor 2. Double play Allen andConnor. First base on balls Miller, hugart,Connor. 2; Allen. Carsey. Hit bv pitched ballHamilton, struck out Farrell, Burns. Baldwin,4: Hallman, Car&ey. Passed balls Clements. 2:Mack. I. Time if game One hour aud 45 minutes. Umpire Emue.Louisville, G Raltlmore, 4.Baltimore, June 1L Tho Baltimores hadthe ipime well in hand up to the eighth inninfr. when tho Louisvllles went in andearned six runs by heavy batting, whichtells the story. Weather fine. Attendanoe,1,675. Scoie:XAL11HOKE R B F A XlLOriSVILLX R B T A XShtndle. 3... 1'!laltren. r IHalllgKn, 1.. 0Shod., s 1clh. m... 0Gunsor. L.. 0MrRnv, 2.. IRoLlnsou. c 0Cobb, p 0Brown, m... 1Tarlor. 2. 0H'eavsr. I... 1Jennings, s.. 1ur.m, c... lVlau. r. 0Kuchne. 3... 0Dowse. 1.... 1Mcckln, p... 1Total.,... 4 8 21 12 1Total 6 11 27 1J 2Baltimore 0 0201100 0-4Loulsv'lle 0 0000006' 6St iiiiAitY Famed rnns Baltimore, 3: Louisville. 6. To-base hit Dowse. Three-base hitsMeGraw. Hailigan. Home run Van Haltrcn.Stolen buses li!t.dle. 2; Shoch, Brown. Struckout By'obb. 4; by Meekln, C Time of gameTwo hours. Umpire Hurst.Washington, 1G St. Louis, 4.WABniKGTOs, June 11. St, Louis was badlybeaten to-day by Washington. Both Dwyerand BieltensMn were freely batted, theSenaloi-s havinjr a lively batting matinee.Giisliijrht was effective with men on pleasant. Attendance, 2,578. Score:-Z I -vr. 'z? " 'WiSH'CT'. It 11 r A X HT. LOUIS R B F A XRadtord. r.. 3 3 0 0 0 Stricter. 2... 0 12 0 0Dowd. 2 .... 3 3 4 7 1 Crooks, 2.... 0 0 2 2 1Hov. m 3 2 0 0 0 Carroll. I.... 112 10I.arkln. 1.... 0 3 13 1 0 Werden. l. 117 0 0McUulre. c. 1 2 3 0 0 GUtscoct, ..01240Duffee.! 2 1 A 0 t nrodle. m... 12 2 10Itlch'.eti, s. 1 3 2 8 1 CarutLers. r. 1 1 1 0 0Uasirlglit, p 0 1 1 2 I 1'inkney, 3.. 0 0 5 3 1Robinson. 3. 3 2 0 0 t llucklcy. c. 0 1 4 1 1Dwyer. p.... 0 0 0 0 0Total. 18 20 27 18 1 Un.lteiis'n,p 0 10 0 0Total 4 27 14 3Washington. 2 0 0 2 10 0 5-18St. Louts I 00200000-4Summary Earned runs Washington, 11: St.LouK 2. Two hase lilts-Hartford: 2, Hov. Richardson. ItnUnson. Th w-bae lilts l'owd. Robinson, Br?llcutetu. Home run W'rrdVn. Stolonbase. Iowii Huv. Lark In. Duffce 2. Rlcliardson2. Double plnrs-Kiehanlbon and Uowrt: Richardson. Dniwl and Larkln; Dowd. I.arkln. ItichardsonandOaktright. First nase on balls-By Uastrlght.3: hT Dwyer. l; br llrrltensteln. T. lilt by pitchedball-Werden. Glasscock. Struck out By (Jastrlght, 2; br Rrel-enstcin. 5. wild pitch Dwyer.Time or game Two hours and 11 minutes. Umpire Macullar.Cleveland, S New York, 1.Xkw York, Jnno 11. Tho New York andCleveland teams played nt the Polo ground ito-day before 3,076 people. Cleveland playedtlio better nll-at'onnd game and won easily.Ewint's home run in tho ninth savod NewYork fro'i: a shut out Fields did so poorlythatMuiphy took his place in the luurthinnlns. bcoie:NEW TOttK U B r A ElCLEVELAND R B P A XRlch'ns"n.m 0Fuller, t 0o'Kourke. 1. oChllds. 2 0llurkett 1.... 1Davis, r 10 0t 00 13 01 00 00 00 03 0Ewlng. 1McKcan.i. yon.. 3.....Tic-nan. r..,Ru.ett, 2....Fields, c...King, pMurphy, c..,0 Trbein, 3...Virtue. 1.McAlcer. in.Zlmuier. c.Luppy, p....Total... S'8 27 7 1Total 1 7 U 8New York 0 0000000 1-1Cleveland 2 1000002' 5M-'umart Earned rnn New York. 1: Cleveland. 3. Two-base lilts Tlcrnani Cuppy. Threebase hit Ewlng. Stolen bases Childs 2. Bnrfcett,Dai Is 2, Mckean. Zlmuu-r, McAleer. Doubleplays McKcim and Virtue, It.sbett. Fuller andE lnsr. First base on balls Off Kinsr.4; off Cuppy.I. Struck out By Kin, i; by Cuppy. 2. Passedbal's-Fleldi. 2. Wild pitches-Kinx. 1. Lcftoubases New York, S; Cleveland. 7. Time-Onehour and 45 minutes. Umpire Lynch.Boston, 6 Cincinnati, 4.Bostox, June 1L There was a good attendance nt to-day's came. The homo teamwon by timely lnttinjr. Both pitchers did-n ell. and tho Reds outbatted the Bostons.Score:BOSTOlf K B r A SICIKCIXSTATI B B P A IMcCarthy, r.l 10 0 0 MePhee, 2... 1uuuy, m..... iLowe, s...... 0(lanzel, c... 1Nash, i 0toTcy. 1 2Oulnn. 2 0Tucker. 1.... 0Nichols, p... 13 0 0 0'L.atliam. 3... 0OSS 1 O'.Nelll. 1.... IISO O'llolllilay. r.. 00 12 o'Urownliifr.m 00 3 0 0 ComUkey. 1. 012 4 O'amlth. 01 12 1 OMurphT. c... 1110 0 ChainbIn.p. 1Total 6 8 27 12 l Total 4 10 2712 1Boston 4 1100000 06Cincinnati 2 101000004SUMMARY Earned runs Boston. 3; Cincinnati,t. Three-be hits-Duffy. O'NellL Nichols.Tucker, Murphy. Home run Chamberlain. Stolenbases DuITi, stovey. Hollldav. Brorfnlns;. DoubleSlivs Lowe, tjuiun and Tucker. First bate onall's Oaniel. Nash. 2; btovev, Mcl'hee. Struckout Murphv. Smith. 2: Chamberlain, Lowe.Oulnu. 2. 'Wild pitches Chamberlain. Time ofgame One hour and 41 minutes. Umpire Gaffney.Chicago, O Brooklyn, 8.New York, Juno 1L Anson's luek stoodhim in good etend to-day when he scored avictory over Brooklyn at Eastern Tark,Brooklyn. The Chicagos invariably madetheir hits just after the Brooklyns had madetheir errors and in nearly every case scored.Brilliant running catches were made byO'Brien, Griffin and Wllmot. Attendance8,400. Scote:CHICAGOB B F AXBROOKLYN" B B P A XWllmot, 1...Dahlen. 3....Luby, m.....Anson. 1Dunjran. r...Canavan, 2..Cooney. s....Guinb-rt, p..Schrlver, c.13 310 22 113 1130 1310 20 II 10 10112Ward. 2 1 3Joyce. 3 1 3uroumers, i. u uBurns, r..... 0 1iGrlffln. m... 1 1Corcoran, s.. 0 1llO'Brlcn. 1... 2 20 Dally, c 0 0Total 6 8 27 IS fit! Tottl S 11 27 7rhlcaro 2 00100012-6Brooklyn" 2 0 0 1 0 10 10-5liiumr-rimil runs Chicago. 1: BrOOklVU.3 Two-base hits Ouinbert, Griffin. Three-base ihlt-Luby. stolen Bae.-wilmot. Luby. Anson,Ward and Burns. Double plars Dahlen. canavanand Anson: canavan. cooney anu Anson; vuu,Dahlen. First base on balls-Luby. 2r Burns. 2.Hit bv pitched liall-Canavau. Struck out-Luby,Humbert, O'Brien: Time Two hours and 55 minutes. Umpire Sherlaau.The Iea2:ue Record.Tho following table shows the correctBlinding of the Leasue teams in the pennantrac up to date. Boston still looks like awinner, mid Philadelphia and Cincinnatihavo l.-ttered their positions during thoweek. Pnbunr, owina to a lack of pitchers,has droppt"' a little. Tho race is still a goodone:e - rr s to J." je r r ? 2.?--2 S 2HX-JT-'S- 3Clubs. - ;?i ic; ;I : : : F : :' ! : f : : f :Boston -32 4lll"4 si 4 34 .733Brooklyn. !- 1 0 : H J ? SS.iaCtncinnTu " 0 2 - 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 6 3 27 .574Cbk-aco 1201243153 3'25 ,55SPhiladelphia. 1 1 2 4 - 2 1 2 5 2 2 2 it .53Cleveland .... 20332-2121 3423. 500New York::.. 1 0 2 1 4 1 - 1 1 1 4 4 22 .483Pittsburg.:... 1 1 4 1 1 1 4- 1 1 4 423.479LoulsvlUe::. 12 14 0 113-31 3 20 .4Washington. 0 1 2 0 2 4 1 4 2 - 2 1 19 .432sli!onir...r.: i!oojuioi-hs.Baltimore.... 00 I 1 2 1 i I 0 1 3 -12 .267Games lost. 12 15 20 20 22 2,23 25 22 24 32 31THAT SALAEY LIMIT.Eastern Macnates Openly Violating; TheirBale Just as Expected.Magnates of the Eastern Leasueare openlyviolating their "agreement" relating to thelimitations of salaiios, and F. a Blchtertalks as follows about it:"What matters It whether the limit be exceeded by 11,000 or 1 cent: The principle Isthe same in either case. The Eastern Leasuohas a clearly defined constitutional provision regarding the limit, and this has beenfcoldly violated by certain clubs. Instead ofsustaining the law and rebuking the offenders the League has condoned the offense andtacitly sanctioned further violation at thosweet will of the clubs, thus letting down thebars bohind which alono the future of theLeague was secure Irom financial shipwreck.If the sad financial history or the past shallnot repeat itelf In tho Eastorn League, andthe organization fall upon evil days bofbretil's fall of 1892, the age of miracles will havoreturned. The chances are altogether thatthe Eastern League of 1892 will serve as amelancholy warning to all other minorleaeucs: It Is to be hoped that the WesternLeague, which Is being betterTnanaged thanany minor league ever was, thanks to thesuperior caliber of Its officers and controlling spirits, will continue to resolutely holdto its limit despite seeming temporary disadvantages, and azalnst alluring out deceptive temptation, and not tnmble into a pitfall such as the Eastern League has recklessly plunged Into."TEE STATE LEAGUE.FIttsburg'l Champions Knocked Ont Againli ftin tnhatinn TiwmThe Lebanon team again defeated the !,t...,r:,Z:,.JT.IIUUUil.V....u.1..u,Uu.6u,m..a- .played and interesting game at ExpositionPark yesterday aftornoon. Neither sidescored until the fifth inning, when tho localteam succeeded in getting one run acrossthe plaro. Lebanon scored three in thoseventh on a two-base hit by Coleman andbad errors by Cargo and liartman. Thofeatures of tho game woro the pitohing ofManefce and Toy and the remarkable cleanfielding of both teams. The Readings areexocctcd in town to-mnrrow and will playthe Pltt&burg team at Exposition Park ouHonday ana Tuesday. Score:riTTS3URQ R B P A X LXBAXOX K B P A XMiller, s 0 0 12 0 Walters. 1... 0 0 10 0Cargo, 3..... 112 2 1 Coleman, r.. 1 1 0 0 0Jirlnn.r.. 0 0 2 0 2 Foulkrod. 3. 1 0 1 u ITorrevson. 10 1 10 0 0 McCorm'k, 11 1 14 1 0Shields, 2.... 0 0 3 3 0 Touley. m... 0 0 0 10Lcamon, m. 0 1 2 0 0 Carman. 2... 0 0 0 3 0Cote, c 0 0 3 1 0 Moore, c 0 2 8 10Mancfee, p.. 0 0 0 3 0 Downey, a... 0 12 3 0Mason, 1..... 0 0 10 0 Toy, p. 0 0 17 1Total I 3 24 11 3 Total 8 4 27 16 2Pittsburg 0 00010000-1Lebanon 0 0 0. 00030 3fcUMMAKY Earned run Lebanon. 1. Two-basehit Coleman. Three-base hit Torrevson. Struckout Bv Toy, 7: Manelee, 2. Passed balls Moore,2. Umpire Taylor. Time or game One hourand 25 n.lnutcs.At Allen townFirst gameAllentown 1 048000 '0 1 9Danville 0 0000000 0-0Hits Allentown, 12; Danville. 4. Errors Allentowr. 5; Danville, 7. Batteries Luklns andauric: Fox and Williams.Second gameAllentown 4 30000209Danville 0 0 O'O 0 0 0 00Hits Allentown, 7; anvllle, 1. Errors Allentown, 4; Danville, 7. Batteries McCullougn audClark; Rhodes and Fox.Yoangstown, 8 Alliance, 6.Aluaxce, O., June 1L SpeeUL ThoYoungstown and Alliance baseball teamsplared a close ana exciting gamo at Highland Pat k this arternoon.Summary Runs Alliance, 6: Youngstown, 8.Base hits Alliance, 8: Yoangstown, 12. ErrorsAlliance, 6; Youngstown, 8, Batteries Schlebleand Wood, for Youngstown: England and Marketfor Alliance. Strike ouU For Schleble, 10; England, 4.COUNTY LEAGUE GAMES.Wllkinsburg; and thj JSist End Gyms Defeat the Snwicklers and Tarentum.The Sewlckleys were defeated by the Wll-kinsbunr A. A. Club through their failure toconnect with tho ball when they had menon bases. McEiroy was especially effective atsnch times. Shumacher was rcplacod byGrady at the end-or the fifth innlnir. Attendance, 520. The score was as follows:WI'KISSB'G B B P A B SEW1CKLET. R B P A XDonathe, 3.. 3 13 11 Nanrhton.c. 12 12 0Tralnor, c. 1 0 17 2 1 Gradv.m&p 2 110 1F.agye, 2..,.. 3 2 1 1 0 Sh'm'r. pim I 12 2 0Kulin. 1 2 2 8 0 0 Hamilton, 3. 0 0 1 1 1McLatn. r... 110 0 0 Tcner, 1 1 0 12 0 0Ferry, 1 12 0 0 0 Rose. 2, 0 15 4 1Kirk, m 0 0 0 0 0 ltobcrtvn,s. 0 13 0 1-Miller, m.... 0 0 0 0 0 Lake. 1 10 0 0 0Uardner, p.. 0 1 0 2 0 Kleh'dMHi.r. 0 0 2 2 0McEiroy. p.. 0 0"31Mctreery, ."2 10 0 0 Total 6 6 27 17 4Total 13 10 27 9 3SCMMABT WllMnshnrc, 8: Sewlckley. 2. Twobase hits Donajrhe. Eagye, 2: N'nughtou. Sacrificelilts Eacye. McLaln. MeOreery.Shumacher.Laiie,Stolen base" Tralnor. McLaln. Perrr. 2: Shumacher. Hamilton. Douhleplav Roe and Tcner.Bitseon balls-WllkinsburK. 4: "Sewlckley, S


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